Wildlife Jewels™ filter by biodiversity

Fine Arts, Fashion, Robots and Sea Turtles

Fine Art, Fashion, Robots and Sea Turtles

From Fine Art to Fashion to Robots and innovations inspired by the majestic Sea Turtles. Sadly Sea Turtles are Endangered due to major human-caused activities. Discover FashWand's "Green Tourmaline the Sea Turtle", innovations inspired by Sea Turtles and some of the major threats they are facing.
on May 23, 2023
International Day for Biological Diversity & Hummingbirds

International Day for Biological Diversity & Hummingbirds

Delighted to see another new precious Anna's hummingbird in her nest in our butterfly Garden on this International Day For Biological Diversity. Female Hummingbirds generally spend around 7 days collecting materials to build their nest. They collect material such as moss, plant fibers, feathers, and even spider silk. Each material they use has a specific purpose.

on May 22, 2023